Lifelines to Cancer Survival by Dr. Mark Roby
Reimagine Cancer Survival

Lifelines to Cancer Survival is the first book ever that guides patients and their families towards the critical questions that all newly diagnosed cancer patients face:
“What do I have to do to stay alive?”
“What do I have to know to stay alive?”
“What are the actions I have to take right now to stay alive?”
“What kind of skill sets do I need to learn to stay alive?”
And in the end, it comes down to this critical question:
Do I deserve to make my survival priority number one?

Amazon #1 Best Seller!
If you’ve been diagnosed with any cancer, but especially an unusual, advanced, or aggressive cancer, you’ve got to find answers to these questions. If you can’t find them yourself, you must reach out to others to help you answer these questions. The lifelines in this book will guide you to find these answers. Lifelines reveals a multitude of options that cancer patients do not know they have.
Praise for Lifelines for Cancer Survival:

Dr. Mark Roby
Through his passion, knowledge, experience, and having survived cancer himself, Mark teaches and connects with audiences like no other. He speaks to cancer patients, hospitals and medical centers, and religious organizations about highly impactful practices of personalized care and cancer survival.
(248) 452-1656