Setting Your Intention To Survive!puzzle-226743_640_edited

The health care system that many newly diagnosed cancer patients find themselves in can be frightening and very confusing. Additionally, many patients and their families have no idea what they are up against when they are facing enormous odds. I am writing this article for patients facing advanced, care, or aggressive disease. Many do not understand that cancer survival is very hard work!

The most important question you will ever ask yourself is : What will it take for me to survive? Determining the answer to this question is the most essential thing you will do. ( many patients are complacent and assume one clinician or medical center will know ) Failing to ask and answer this question often leads to disaster! The doctors can help guide you through this process, but it is your responsibility to be completely engaged. ( many patients are not ) Because of the voids in conventional oncology, it is your job to research the nuances of your tumor type. Why? Because today’s standard of care often does not include integrative medicine or personalized cancer care. I strongly urge you to make your survival a priority,,,,over work and other areas of your life. Can you do that?

Although what I shared above may seem obvious, my experience is that many cancer patients do not fully and consciously set their intention to survive, above all else. Typical questions I hear include:

What about my kids?

What about my job?

What about my spouse?]

What about all my responsibilities?

Patients tell me. “ I can’t just push everything aside and focus on me. That’s unreasonable. ” They don’t realize that you can’t split your focus to survive with trying to be logical, practical, and responsible. Surviving is so difficult in itself that it needs your full intention.

I’ve seen it happen over and over again. I’m not saying that you should be irresponsible and neglect those other important aspects of your life. I am saying that what you can do is delegate, delegate, and delegate some more! That’s why it’s imperative upon your initial diagnosis to send multiple calls out for help. You need all the help and support you can get. ( getting into remission is very difficult ) Now is the time!

Cancer is a turning point and calling from above that something is seriously wrong in your life. It’s a watershed moment to change many things. Pray for the strength to meet it head on!


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